New Alyth West
New residential development
Online community consultation portal
LATEST UPDATES: 17-11-23. FAQs and Consultation Boards 02 added
Welcome to the online community consultation portal for the proposed residential development at New Alyth West. The proposals are being developed by A & J Stephen, a Perth based housing developer with decades of experience: A & J Stephen website
This portal has been produced by A & J Stephen and their design team to provide information to the local community about the proposals and to allow you to provide feedback to the team ahead of a planning submission.
You will find information on anticipated timescales, current status of the project, programmed consultation events, and full copies of the information boards that will be displayed at the community consultation events.
We welcome your feedback!

Development Site
Event no. 1: Thursday 02 November, at Alyth Town Hall (Albert Street), 4pm until 7pm
Event no. 2: Tuesday 21 November, at Alyth Town Hall (Albert Street), 4pm until 7pm
The events are open to all and representatives of A & J Stephen will be in attendance to discuss your thoughts and answer any queries.
Consultation event 01 - Information boards
Display Board Gallery: Click on image to expand. Click on arrow for next board
Consultation event 02 - Information boards
Display Board Gallery: Click on image to expand. Click on arrow for next board
Consultation event
Anticipated Project Timeline
Spring 2023 - Initial designs / design progression
April 2023 - Pre-application enquiry made to Planning
02 June 2023 - Pre-application feedback received from Planning
Summer 2023 - Further design progression
14 Oct 2023 - Proposal of Application Notice submitted to Planning
W/C 16 October 2023 - Dates for consultation event advertised
02 Nov 2023 - Community Consultation Event 01
Current Stage
Nov 2023 - Review of community feedback
21 Nov 2023 - Community Consultation Event 02
Late 2023 - Review of community feedback
Late 2023 - Design Progression
Early 2024 - Planning Submission
Consultation event
New Alyth West
Frequently Asked Questions
FAQs: We have received a number of feedback form queries from the community. Please see below for responses to some of these queries. We are happy to discuss this and more at the 2nd consultation event on Tuesday 21/11/23
Q: Why were residents not told about this and where was the first consultation event advertised?
A: A Proposal of Application Notice was formally submitted to Perth & Kinross Council on 14/10/23. This can be viewed on the planning portal if you click on this link. The statutory process requires applicants to notify all Ward Councillors and any local Community Council. Emails were issued to these groups on 16/10/23 and these emails included the dates, times and venues for the 2 community consultation events. A public notice was also placed in The Courier providing details of the 1st event. In addition to these statutory requirements, a website has been published to allow anyone to access all the information. An email link for this website was sent to all Ward councillors and the community council on 31/10/23.
Q: We are concerned that there will be a new access into Bamff View and Smith Lane.
A: There are no new vehicle access points proposed into Bamff View or Smith Lane. For clarity, the only proposed vehicle access point into the development site is from the existing hammerhead opposite Cairns Park. There will be pedestrian access into the play park from the development. There is the potential for a pedestrian connection into Bamff View from the development site, but this has not yet been finalised. Local Plan design guidance actively encourages pedestrian connections into existing streets, particularly where it provides access to the core path network.
Q: This development will put a strain on existing community infrastructure such as GP's and schools.
A: We fully understand concerns regarding the pressure on existing community amenities. The site has been allocated for housing within the Local Development Plan for several years. The housing numbers proposed for the site will have been assessed in relation to local services as part of the previous Local Plan review.
Q: We are concerned that this development will significantly increase the amount of traffic in the area.
A: The proposals will comply with the minimum requirements for parking spaces that the Local Plan guidance requires. The Planning Department may require an assessment of existing and future traffic levels and an analysis of any impact, as part of the Planning process.
Q: An increase of 50+ new dwellings into New Alyth is concerning.
A: The site has been allocated for housing within the Local Development Plan for several years. The density of the housing proposed is similar to the density of the existing village and is therefore considered appropriate for the context. The Local Plan design guidance requires proposed housing densities to be appropriate for their location.
Q: We have concerns over the impact of the development on ecology, habitats and local wildlife.
A: An ecological survey will be carried out as part of the Planning process, if required by the Planning Department.
Q: This land is recognised flood land.
The Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) do not regard the site as an area of flood risk. SEPA will be consulted on the proposals as part of the Planning process.
Q: The development proposes the bare minimum of affordable housing.
A: 14 affordable homes are proposed within the development, 25% of the overall numbers. This is in line with the Local Plan requirements.